Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Erotica : the baby making episode

Dear Erotica,
Why do you feel the need to bring up baby making in the middle of hot, smexy, sex scenes? I know that there are loads of women who really really really want to have a baby, but I'm not sure what it has to do with my smut.

There are a few reasons why I want you to stop all this baby making talk. First and foremost, it encourages anatomy talk. I do not want to see the words- vaginal canal, womb, or uterus in my erotica. Keep your fancy doctors terms over there in the textbook section. Nothing is less sexy than- "He thrust his penis deep into her vaginal canal filling her womb with his semen." Holy Sex-ed movie, Batman!

Second, usually one character of another is trying to make a baby-- usually without their partner's consent or knowledge. This is just icky. It seems to be very common in Paranormal, with a paranormal male knowing that his super-sperm will knock girlfriend up post-haste. All I got to say about that is- My body-my choice. Ugh.

And Finally-- babies aren't sexy. They just aren't. This might be a personal thing, and I encourage others to state their opinions, but I just don't get it. If you are going to have baby making there should be a warning on the book. You know, like they do for Domination or M/M? I should be able to scan the blurb and see a pacifier logo that lets me know...I don't want to read this book.



Jennifer Milligan said...

It's so true! Babies are not sexy. To the point where I scold any boyfriends that call me "baby."

Small, crying, helpless thing. Sexy? Definitely not.

Kudos on the awesome open letter.

Francine Howarth said...


Yep, couldn't agree more on subject of baby-making in erotic or contemporary/category romance novels. Keep such unsexy twaddle for mainstream romances etc., and leave a hero and heroine some sexy funtime without interruption of bawling, puking, crapping little monsters from hell. ;)


Unknown said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one!