[WARNING: Highly
judgmental and opinionated opinions follow.]
It's a good thing
I haven't been a nun in nearly three decades. The Vatican Inquisition
that's going all Torquemada on hardworking US nuns right now would
have a field day with my new book.
I write ex-nun
Private Eye mysteries. My main character, Giulia Falcone, is working
not to be such a fish out of water. She balancing who she’s trying
to be (a regular human again) with the best parts of who she was. She
still volunteers at a soup kitchen, has a willing ear for anyone in
trouble, and is a devout Catholic.
In my third book,
Giulia’s friends who run the soup kitchen have just adopted a baby.
My point?
friends are gay. And Giulia helped them with the adoption by
testifying on their behalf. Because she’s an ex-nun and a Catholic
who also believes that a loving family is a loving family. Simple.
The gay
characters in the book are—wait for it—regular people who go to
work, make dinner, change diapers, and watch TV. All those things
that regular people do. Because that’s exactly what they are.
Giulia doesn’t
preach against them, doesn’t try to stop the adoption, doesn’t
attack them with Bible verses. Doesn’t, you know, judge them.
The Vatican
Inquisition—sorry, Commission—just slammed US nuns for daring to
help the poor and the sick without haranguing them about following to
certain verses in Leviticus. I can see them treating Giulia to a good
ol’ auto-da-fé for her perceived lack of adherence to the
important things. Because there are dozens of verses in the Gospels
where Jesus spoke about “teh gays” and how “ebil” they are
(the important stuff, right?), and none where he spoke about feeding
the hungry and tending the sick and visiting prisoners.
I won’t bother
to search the five translations of the Bible I own to check on that.
People ask me how
much of myself I put into my fictional ex-nun detective. The answer
is: She’s a good cook. I’m a good cook. That’s about it. She
might or might not reflect some of my own views on what’s important
in life. And what’s important to the Creator of Life.
You know, as a non-straight, non-religious human being, I have to say, I wish everyone would embrace LGBT, an in fact anyone's issues, beliefs etc. as openly as Alic (and her awesome protagonist) does. <3
I also am, as my guest post probably evidences, a huge fan of the "gay as regular people" approach. Don't think any of us has sprouted evil horns yet. Though to be honest, I'd totally rock that look. ;)
Yes, you would! I would create personalized knitted hats for you to show them off, too!
Now there's a serious incentive! :D
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